Vessela Kalacheva
Vessela Kalacheva is a CEO of the Bulgarian Association for Information Technology /BAIT/. She has graduated from a Mathematics High School, then the Faculty of Communication Technology at the Technical University, Sofia. She holds a Master’s degree in Communication and Security Engineering and Systems. She also holds a Master’s Degree in Mass Communication Management from the New Bulgarian University (NBU). Her professional experience includes Director of the NBU Information Division, Director of BAIT’s Communications. She has been a national coordinator of three consecutive e-Skills for jobs campaigns /2012, 2014, 2015-2016/ as for the campaign in 2012 she was awarded with DIGITALEUROPE’s Special Contribution Award for the highest achievements results from a total of 23 national IT associations involved in the European project. She has been also a national coordinator of Watify’s European project for promoting digital entrepreneurship and leaded establishment of the National Technology Transfer Office at BAIT. She is a member of the jury of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Awards, named after John Atanassov. Vessela is also a member of the juries of the BAIT’s Awards and the Innovation Academy for the Bulgaria Innovation Hackathon.