Technology4Business starts a new project – the first of its kind series of surveys on various topics, distributed free of charge. The ERP systems are the subject of the first edition. The successful business management is a global concern for the majority of companies. The software they choose needs to be carefully selected. Therefore an analysis of the profit it will accumulate is necessary, as well as the potential risks it involves. Each business sphere needs different services to meet its needs while the products are numerous.
The survey aims to provide an overall picture about the systems and their advantages for the businesses. In order for the goals to be reached it is important that providers and users of ERP share each other’s opinions. Via specifically made questionnaires everyone who is involved with ERP systems will be able to share their needs and experience regarding the advantages and risks. The accumulation of more opinions, comments and experiences from both providing companies and users, will help everyone to position themselves better on the market.
There is no fee required for participation in the survey. The complete overview of the market will be distributed free of charge to all managers, who registered in our database and will be available on our website. Everyone who answered our questions or shared an opinion can be announced in writing or remain anonymous. We invite everyone who can express a position regarding the ERP systems to contact us and support the development of the first of its kind survey of such scale.
By the end of the week we will publish the questionnaires that you can answer. All participants in the survey will take part in a lottery with many awards and surprises.
We are looking forward to your participation!